Cleanatic (Thailand) Co.,Ltd is aware of the importance of conducting business with integrity and honesty by
adhering to social responsibility and all groups of stakeholders and the Company’s code of conduct. as well as policies
and practices towards various stakeholder groups of the Company. Appropriate company practices and requirements are
determined to prevent corruption in all business activities, and so that decisions and business operations that may be at
risk of corruption are carefully considered and treated as follows:
1. The board of directors, the management team, and employees of the company are prohibited from operating or accepting any form of corruption, directly or indirectly. All businesses areas and related departments have to practice this Anti-Corruption Policy consistently as well as reviewing the guidelines and operational requirements to comply with changes in business, rules, regulations and legal requirements.
2. Company directors, executives, employees at all levels must comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy and the Company’s Code of Conduct without being involved in corruption matters whether directly or indirectly.
3. Company employees do not ignore when seeing actions that are considered corruption related to the company and must notify the supervisor or the person in charge to know and cooperate in the investigation of various facts. Any questions or concerns, consulting with supervisors or a person designated to be responsible for monitoring compliance with the company’s Code of Conduct through various channels, is required.
4. The company will be fair and protect employees who refuse or report corruption related to the company by protecting the complainant or those who cooperate in reporting corruption fairly.
5. The person who commits corruption is a violation of the Company’s code of conduct. This will have to be considered disciplinary in accordance with the regulations set by the company. In addition, there may be legal penalties if the act is illegal.
6. The company realizes the importance of publicity. This is to educate and to make understanding for those persons who have to perform duties related to the company or may affect the company in the matter that must comply with this anti-corruption policy.
7. The company is committed to creating and maintaining an organizational culture that adheres to the fact that corruption is unacceptable in both public and private transactions.
Effective June 14, 2022
Mr. Polrop Kudeesri
Managing Director
See policy announcement ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY